QLM Introduces an Innovative Forklift Navigation Software for Automated Warehouses

After creating a video for promoting its new, innovative solution, QLM has the perfect tool for marketing its product in the most effective way, impressing both clients and potential investors. The video produced by Sublight has helped QLM demonstrate that they can solve an urgent issue that emerged in the Logistics & Supply industry due to the Corona outbreak.


When the pandemic hit the world, the warehousing industry faced numerous challenges, including a massive shortage of manpower. Due to the low availability of skilled workers, the chance for accidents and property damage as a consequence of overworking dramatically increased. Therefore, the low capacity of human warehouses created a great demand for automated warehouses.But, in the case of NEW automated warehouses, ROI can take a while. So, QLM developed a collaborative system that is integrated into the company infrastructure, helping warehousing businesses eliminate the deficit generated by the lack of a qualified workforce.The software allows forklifts designed for transportation and reaching high locations to operate automatically. It prioritizes tasks, categorizing them into subtasks. Plus, another huge benefit of the QLM system is that the team can check every event from the control room.